Elisabetta Farris is a promising new talent of Italian opera. Despite her young age, she has already established herself as one of the most gifted sopranos in Italy. Her unique voice, together with her elegant and charismatic stage presence, has prompted praise for Ms Farris in all her recent appearances.
Critics acclaimed her recent performance as Mimì in Puccini’s La Bohème, characterising her as “the dominating figure on the stage. Her beautiful dark voice is enhanced by a very refined technique. Mimì is a role that suits her musical features as well as her temperament perfectly” < www.ilcorrieremusicale.it >.
Thanks to her noteworthy acting skills and to her vocal flexibility, Elisabetta Farris has debuted in very different roles both in a musical sense (sweeping from Tosca by Puccini to The Telephone by Menotti), and in terms of acting (acting in roles such as La Signora Guidotti by Nino Rota and Cio Cio San by Puccini).Since her triumphant debut in 2005 in Antonio Calenda’s Opera Comique, Elisabetta Farris has continued to appear in leading roles in many of the best Italian and European Opera companies.
Just returned from the successful double debut as Sancta Susanna by Hindemit and Suor Angelica by Puccini nel quale la critica l’ha indicata come “l’autentica trionfatrice di quest’opera (Sancta Susanna), ed oserei dire dell’intera serata, è stato il giovane talento sardo Elisabetta Farris (già ammirata qui a Pisa nei panni di Elena nella recente produzione di Mefistofele). La crescita di questo soprano è esponenziale: affronta le difficili pagine del suo personaggio con una maturità espressionistica che raramente si vedono in interpreti di pari età. La Farris, sorretta da una vocalità ben salda , da acuti squillanti e da un’ espressività drammatica solitamente tipica di attrici ormai collaudate, vince la sfida di debuttare, nell’arco della stessa serata, due ruoli così impegnativi come Sancta Susanna e Suor Angelica prova ne siano i copiosi applausi al termine di entrambi gli allestimenti.” <Operateller.com> ...

Elisabetta Farris Opera Channel



La Bohème
“the dominating figure on the stage. Her beautiful dark voice is enhanced by a very refined technique. Mimì is a role that suits her musical features as well as her temperament perfectly”
“L’ars canora, d’altra parte,
è più che sufficiente al soprano Elisabetta Farris a imporsi all’attenzione del pubblico fin dal suo ingresso in scena: la sua Rowan ha
catalizzato l’attenzione dell’intero pubblico, tanto nei momenti solistici sia in quelli d’assieme. La sua grazia nell’esecuzione e il peculiare timbro vocale l’hanno resa de facto il personaggio più interessante della rappresentazione.”
The Little Sweep
“Elizabeth Farris doesn't sing Elena, she is . The young sardinian soprano effort the short but complex role of the Greek seductress supported by a
remarkable vocal range and an excellent technique. The Farris has a scenic magnetism that is not
learneable on school-books and that is usually the prerogative of a restricted group of singers who
carry the title of champion”
The pressdescribed her performance in this way: "…with her outstanding interpretation of La voix humaine, Ms.Farris has proved to be a convincing and sensitive actress, as well as anexpert musician [...] ranging between the different registers with aptitude and taking care of the sound with absolute precision. Excellent also her French pronunciation, which didn’t stopher perfect placement of the voice in the mask [...] The Farris has a truly remarkable stage presence: without overtitles or translations the audience stays glued to each her movement for allthe 40 minutes of the show till those three final “Je t'aime!” heartrendingsas liberators. "
La Voix Humaine
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